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How much does a small rubber giraffe toy weigh?

Игрушка жираф резиновый малый весит 54 грамма С помощью такой небольшой игрушки можно изучать мир животных, и сегодня это жираф. Он, конечно, не такой большой как настоящий — весит лишь 54 грамма, — зато с ним можно купаться, ведь он резиновый и непромокаемый. Но учтите, что резиновые жирафы бывают разные, и ваш может иметь вес…

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How much does a rag doll weigh?

The rag doll weighs 39 grams. Needlewomen have always amazed everyone with their work and delighted those who are not given something to howl by nature. Such decorations fit perfectly into the interior and are quite light. Here the doll in the photo weighs 39 grams.

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How much does the ruble weigh?

The ruble weighs 2 grams Usually everyone is happy when there is a lot of money and their weight is felt. Here, strength and readiness for any weight burden immediately appear. And for example, one Russian ruble weighs 2 grams.

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How much does a small rubber bear toy weigh?

Small rubber bear toy weighs 39 grams Many children are real fans of the cartoon characters "Masha and the Bear". Therefore, they will definitely like the character in the form of a toy. This bear weighs a little - 39 grams. But he is able to bring joyful emotions to the baby much more. However, please note that toy variations of the cartoon bear are different, and yours can...

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How much does a manual vacuum massager weigh?

Manual vacuum massager weighs 35 grams This small vacuum massager must be familiar to every woman. After all, it's the secret to helping you get rid of that unloved 'orange crust' on your thighs, and make your skin smooth and even. Such massager, as you can see in the photo, weighs a little - 35 grams. However, keep in mind that this vacuum helper comes in different packs,...

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How much does a bread knife weigh?

The bread knife weighs 74 grams The bread knife differs from the usual large teeth, which do an excellent job with both fragrant crumb and crispy crust. Such a knife weighs a little - only 74 grams, but it makes cutting fast and convenient. But keep in mind that bread knives are different, and yours may weigh more or less.

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How much does the test jar weigh?

A jar for analyzes weighs 13 grams. Of course, it’s bad to get sick, but sometimes you have to. The main thing is to start treatment in time and pass tests. And for this, a special jar will help you, which weighs 13 grams when empty.

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How much does a large ladle weigh?

Половник большой весит 102 грамма Такой большой удобный половник обычно применяется в быту часто, при разливании горячего (или холодного) ароматного домашнего супа. Одна «поварешка» (как называют половник в быту) для сына, две поварешки — для мамы, три — для папы. Сам же большой половник весит 102 грамма. Однако учтите, что кухонные половники производят различных форм,…

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How much does a sheet of white paper weigh?

A sheet of white paper weighs 4 grams On a sheet of paper, you can draw a picture, write a letter, make a paper airplane out of it, or wrap something in it. A very versatile item. A pack of paper weighs quite a lot, but one leaf is only 4 grams.

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How much does the small ladle weigh?

Половник малый весит 78 грамм Этот небольшой половник отлично подойдет для разливания заготовок в стерилизованные банки на зиму, например компотов. Вес его невелик — 78 граммов, а значит и нагрузки на руки хозяйки будет не много. При этом помните, что кухонные половники производят различных форм, размеров и материалов, поэтому ваш домашний помощник может отличаться по…

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