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How much does the mouse in the cheese toy weigh?

The toy "mice in cheese" weighs 61 grams All toys are useful for children to some extent. But there are some that are designed to improve skills. For example, such a famous motor skills trainer as on the photo. The task is to put the mice into the holes in the cheese with your fingers and pull them back out. The trainer is made of rubber and weighs...

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How much does a kitchen towel 30x50 cm weigh?

Полотенце кухонное 30х50 см весит 64 грамма Любая хозяйка будет рада маленькому кухонному полотенцу, потому что знает, что много их не бывает. А вот сколько весит такой помощник -мы для вас узнали. Как видно на фото, вес полотенца 30х50 см составляет 64 грамма. Учтите при этом, что кухонные полотенца даже одного размера, могут отличаться друг…

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How much does a small padlock weigh?

Small padlock weighs 128 grams For small doors, you need your own small but reliable lock. Despite the size, such a watchman weighs decently enough: as much as 128 grams, as seen in the photo. However, keep in mind that padlocks are different, and yours may weigh more or less.

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How much does a children's microphone weigh?

The children's microphone weighs 68 grams Children should develop in all directions of their interests. If the baby loves music, songs and dances, you can purchase a musical microphone. The little man will be happy singing songs from his favorite cartoons. The weight of such a toy is specially small, only 68 grams, so that it is not difficult for a child to hold it.

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How much does a Fimo oven thermometer weigh?

Fimo oven thermometer weighs 39 grams This is a special thermometer for accurately measuring the temperature in the oven. In some processes, every degree counts. This thermometer weighs only 39 grams. It will help you know the actual heat of your oven, needed for baking thermoclay, for example.

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How much does a 4 mm plywood topper "Happy Birthday" weigh?

Топпер из фанеры 4 мм «С днем рождения» весит 34 грамма Топпер — это отличная деталь, которая завершит оформление праздничного торта или именного букета. Вес его невелик — всего 34 грамма. как видно на фото. А вот дизайнерский акцент топпер придает очень весомый. Однако учтите, что топперы бывают разных размеров и форм, поэтому ваш может…

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How much does a portable speaker weigh?

Portable speaker weighs 108 grams Now you can listen to music anytime, anywhere. In order not to disturb others, there are headphones, and to listen to music anywhere, you can purchase a portable compact speaker, for example, as in the photo. You can always keep it in your bag. It does not take up much space and does not weigh down the burden due to the weight of 108 grams.

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How much does the Alcatel One Touch feature phone weigh?

Телефон Alcatel One Touch кнопочный весит 58 грамм Несмотря на эру современных смартфонов, небольшие кнопочные телефоны все еще достаточно востребованы. Часто их приобретают заботливые взрослые дети для своих пожилых родителей. Оно и понятно, ведь такой телефон имеет минималистичный дизайн и функционал, большие кнопки и малый вес. Как видно на фото, последний составляет всего 58 граммов….

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How much does baby cream weigh 75 ml?

Baby cream 75 ml weighs 82 grams Every new parent has such a cream. At home, it occupies an important place on the shelf of children's care products, while it weighs very little - only 82 grams. But on occasion it really helps out delicate baby skin.

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How much does the alarm key fob weigh?

The alarm key fob weighs 22 grams Ensuring the safety of property is the concern of its owner. To help in this difficult matter, alarms were invented. The owner of the property receives a notification of illegal actions on a special keychain. Carrying it with you is always not difficult, because it weighs 22 grams.

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