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How much is the diary?

The diary weighs 242 grams The diary is seemingly the simplest, most basic and basic time management tool. You can buy a diary at any stationery store, business gift store, and most bookstores.

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How much does a foil roll weigh?

The foil roll weighs 113 grams. Aluminum foil is used in various industries: food, pharmaceutical, electrical, space industries. Often, aluminum foil is used in everyday life for room insulation. It retains heat well, acting like a thermos.

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How much does a liquid soap dispenser weigh?

The dispenser for liquid soap weighs 322 grams. It is not hygienic to use bar soap in public toilets, in addition, it is quickly used up, it can fall on the floor. If there are more than ten visitors per day in the toilet, then it is recommended to use liquid soap with a dispenser. Dispensers allow you to measure out such an amount of soap to completely clean your hands.

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How much does the staple gun weigh?

The anti-stapler weighs 23 grams. A device with the same name (the name "stapler" is also common) is used in construction work to extract staples from a construction stapler.

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How much does a meter weigh?

The meter weighs 18 grams. The centimeter tape is primarily used for taking measurements. And also for creating patterns, measuring fabric, laying out patterns on fabric, clarifying the length of the product, checking the dimensions of parts ... and much more.

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How much does an electric nail file weigh?

The electric nail file weighs 91 grams. The complete set of the device provides delicate care due to the function of grinding and polishing the nail plate. A nail file is a modern device that performs the basic functions of caring for nails, both hands and feet, in the shortest possible time.

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How much does tea tree oil weigh?

Tea tree oil weighs 33 grams. Tea tree oil contains about a dozen useful natural elements. The main ones are terpinene and cineole, they are responsible for the antimicrobial function. With wounds and burns, they dry the skin and have an astringent effect.

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How much does watermelon oil weigh 15 ml?

Watermelon seed oil 15 ml weighs 37 grams Watermelon seed oil is one of the lightest vegetable oils with amazingly quick absorption. Gentle, liquid and weightless, it has also become renowned as one of the most pleasant-tasting and effective moisturising bases. It is often compared to other oils: sesame oil for its texture, almond oil and pumpkin oil...

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How much does a cuticle softener weigh?

The cuticle softener weighs 44 grams Remover (from the English remove - “remove”) - a cuticle remover. Removers contain active ingredients that remove keratinized skin and rough cuticles. Girls love removers because they greatly facilitate the manicure process and make it safer.

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How much do tweezers weigh?

Tweezers weigh 22 grams Tweezers are a tool for holding small objects remotely. Tweezers are used in cases where objects are too small for the fingers, or when the use of hands is undesirable for one reason or another. This tool is a small, but indispensable equipment for a laboratory, a medical institution, when performing precise manual operations in industry.

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